“My mummy says I’m a miracle”

Our kids just love ‘Mathilda the musical’. All three seem to know the lyrics to virtually every song… and I’ve got to admit I know one or two of the them now too!

When Annie sings (and yeah, despite her damaged vocal chords she sings very loudly!!) the opening song, Miracle, it does feel very poignant to us:

My mummy says I’m a miracle
One look at my face, and it’s plain to see
Ever since the day doc chopped the umbilical cord
It’s been clear there’s no peer for a miracle like me!

We’ve just been on holiday to Spain and seeing her run around a tennis court, someone who has CHD, is simply something I’d never have thought possible. She only hits a few balls, and even less over the net, but just seeing her energetically play sport with the biggest grin is just incredible!

My instinct is to protect her and wrap her up in the proverbial cotton wool. However, Annie, her mum and brothers just won’t let anything hold her back. It feels like my first lesson as a parent where my best action is to just get out of the way.

Oh, by the way, her daddy thinks she’s a miracle (and inspiration) too.

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